Where have you placed the Ark of Covenant in your Church?
Today morning I wake up little late, because of about 11 hours driving yesterday, so tired, entered into my prayer room, seen an old diary of my Dad, which been placed on my table last week, just opened it, a thought from one of his old messages touched my heart, that is, “the ark of covenant was not one of the utensils of the Tabernacle but the Tabernacle and all other utensils are made for the ark of covenant” and he explained that “Christ is not one of the element of the church but the church and all other elements are made for Christ”, on seeing this thought, I was thinking about the happenings around us, in the name of Church, I found we surely miss Christ and his importance many times.
Yesterday, I was in our international council meeting for constitution amendments, I am wonder are we establishing a church for Christ or would like to use Christ for the church. Today all our church are human kingdoms in the name of church with the painted colour Christ. We miss the real essence inside the church.
When Paul writes to Colossians, he says, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.” (Colo. 2:9,10). So today I urge to ponder your thoughts, where have we placed this ark of covenant in our church. Some questions came to my mind are, Are we just forget the ark of Covenant is inside the most holy place or Are we trying to ignore to face the Ark of the Covenant to hold the positions of the High priest?
Dear friends, let us be revived, for a Christ oriented church, and prepare us for the bridegroom yet to come. God bless you all!